Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The Green Highway

Hello everybody,  

This is my new artwork called "The Green Highway"

I used 3ds max and Vray to render it. A very minor color correction is done in Photoshop.

Comments and critics are most welcome.

And here's the 3k render of the file. :)

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Too Many Thing!

Hi guys... How are you?

Below is the render of the "lighthouse" I did for my last workshop called "Too Many Things".
I explained the way of creating/putting too many geometries in a 3d scene using proxies.
I used 3ds max and Vray to create the artwork.

Modeled by Juan Carlos Silva

Saturday, July 16, 2011

The Sound Session

Hey how u doing? 

Here's the images of the event "Rock and Lola" :) Credit for the name of the event goes to Mr. Debashish. My colleague @ frameboxx

Anyways, those who don't know about the event, it was a musical event/workshop that i took on 9th of july where I showed the way to compose music and sounds, record them and mix them for animation/visual effets or anything... :)

I hope the session was useful. Thank you guys for making the event successful. 

And here's the song composed for the event. Written and sang by Ankur. Team members :- Jiblu and Ankit.

  Yadein - WIP02 by kiratgurung

Here's the promo video :)

Here's the official facebook page :-

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Rendering with Mental Ray

Interior Lighting and Rendering Using Mental - 7th _ Dec                                                                                                   

Making of - Avon Mascara

Here's a small tips on product lighting and rendering using mental ray :)

Product Lighting and Rendering using Mental Ray                                                                                                   

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Matte Painting.

Hi guys, 
Here is my latest work. 
Did this for a matte painting competition at cgtanra.com
Hope you like it.

Here is the work in progress thread :- 

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Light and Render...

some more product renders...

shading, lighting, rendering and compositing only. It was in my desktop since very long time now. So I thought of sharing with you guys before deleting. :D

Monday, February 7, 2011

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Showreel Kirat Gurung 2010


Compilation of my works...

this includes my short films:-

"my friend noju"
"the beast"

and some of my matte paintings.